The aims:
We want to consider and act on the views of our customers about our homes and services.
We want to put customers at the centre of everything we do.
We believe that this will make us a better organisation.
Shaping everything we do
Customer engagement runs through everything we do, from our corporate plan to how we manage each department.
How we will support our teams to put customers at the heart of everything we do
- We will make it simple and easy for our teams to include customers in their work by providing a toolkit.
- We will share best practice that we find both in the housing sector and beyond.
- We’ll include customers early on, not as an after-thought – particularly when we are talking about service changes.
- When appropriate we’ll use digital channels to get the information we need.
How we will show that we are listening and acting
- We will use key learning outcomes from customer feedback and complaints to improve our services and how we do things at the Trust.
- We won’t keep them to ourselves, but share them on our website, in newsletters and in our annual review.
- In the wider community we will work with key partners who share our vision of creating great places to live.
- We will do all we can to make sure that opportunities to get involved are open and easy for everyone.
What you told us:Tenant-led Scrutiny recommendations
We invite our customers to join a scrutiny panel twice a year. It’s an opportunity to focus on one of our services and let us know how to improve.